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Treatment Of Electrical Shock Pdf

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by sinlycili1971 2020. 3. 3. 16:41


  1. Electrical Shock Injury Video

Electric Shock: Causes, Signs, Symptoms, Prevention, Treatment, PrognosisA person experiences electric shock upon coming in contact with an electrical energy source. The electrical energy is transmitted from the source and passes through a part of our body resulting in shock. Depending on the type of current, a person who is exposed to the electrical energy may have zero injury, mild injury or can have extreme damage/injury and can even die.

People commonly experience electric shocks from man-made objects like electrical appliances, electrical circuitry and electrical wires. Other than the man-made objects, a person can also experience an electric shock from natural sources, such as lightning strikes. The most common injuries a person experiences from electric shock and lightning strikes are burns.

Factors Which Determine The Type Of Injury From Electric Shock Include:. Type of current; alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC). The amount or voltage of current and the affected tissues’ resistance. The pathway through which the electricity passes through the body. Low-voltage electricity, i.e. Which is lesser than 500 volts, commonly does not cause serious injury. High voltage electricity, which is greater than 500 volts can cause serious damage to the tissues.

Serious injuries from electrical shock commonly have an entrance and exit point on the body, as the person becomes a part of the electrical path. Children are at a higher risk for shocks from a low voltage (120 to 220 volts) which is commonly found in the household current from household appliances, extension cords, electrical cords etc.

According to a study, these cause more than 65% of injuries whereas 20% of injuries are caused by electric shock from wall outlets. Injuries occurring from natural sources, such as lightning occur sporadically.

Electric shock occurring from lightning may or may not cause external burns, but people can die from lightning due to injury or respiratory/cardiac arrest. Neurologic injury is often seen in individuals who are struck by lightning. Other injuries occur from severe contractions of the muscle triggered by electricity. Signs & Symptoms Of Electric Shock. Patient can either have no obvious external injury or any evidence of electric shock; or the patient can have severe external burns. Some patients can suffer from cardiac arrest after an electric shock/lightning strike. The burns which the patient experiences from electric shock are often severe at the site of contact with the electrical source and the ground.

Common points of contact are hands, head and heels. Other than burns, injuries can occur from forceful muscular contraction due to which the patient is thrown clear from electrical source.

In such cases, patient may have a spinal injury. If the patient is having, or abdomen, then it may indicate internal injuries. Pain with deformity of the hand or foot or other body part can indicate a possible fracture resulting from extreme muscle contraction from the electric shock.

Children who suffer from electrical mouth burn, as a result of biting an electric cord, have a burn on the lip which has a red/dark, charred appearance. Patient who has experienced electric shock should be examined for entry and exit marks to help assess the extent of the electric shock. Treatment For Electric ShockIf the electric shock is mild and the patient does not have any symptoms, then treatment is not needed. However, if the patient has experienced a high voltage electric shock or a lightning strike with burns/pain, then the patient needs immediate medical attention.

Treatment depends on the degree of the burns and the extent of other injuries present, if any. Prevention Of Electric Shock. Children who are younger than 10 years are more prone to suffer from electrical injuries from power cords. AdvertisementPrognosis of electric shock depends on the severity and the nature of the injuries and other than that; the percentage of the body surface burned is the most vital factor in deciding prognosis. Patient who has suffered an electric shock, but does not experience immediate cardiac arrest and does not have serious burns has good chances of survival. The most common cause of death in people suffering from electrical injury is infection.If the brain is affected or damaged from the electric shock, then it could result in a permanent seizure disorder, anxiety, depression and other changes in the personality of the patient.Also Read. This article on Epainassist.com has been reviewed by a medical professional, as well as checked for facts, to assure the readers the best possible accuracy.We follow a strict editorial policy and we have a zero-tolerance policy regarding any level of plagiarism.

Electrical Shock Injury Video

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